Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Life is Date... invite your friends along to it."

I won't bore you with news... but I will tell you this... I am rather missing British Reserve (or maybe it was Oxford reserve). At climbing on Thursday, I became slightly unnerved by this big policeman guy Ray who was getting a little bit too up-close-and-personal with me... and in front of his girlfriend! like sure I wanna know how to turn my knee in and move my weight over or whatever, but I don't want to know THAT much. So I took it all in good humour (I tried) but nevertheless made a beeline for small, non-threatening, geeky-looking com-sci guy who proved to be decent conversation (ie capable of uttering polysyllables and full sentences). Having grown completely unaccustomed to being *relatively* clever - I failed to respond swiftly enough to a now unfamiliar look on the guy's face that said "ooo - clever girl - novelty - so interesting"... next thing this guy calls me and asks me out to dinner - and me I don't know what to do - having not much experience in such things... fortunately I had plans that night - and it rained on Sunday which made outdoor climbing impossible, but now I either have to avoid climbing forever - or tel,l the guy I'm unfortunately chronically attracted to best friends who are in love with other people. Failing that, I am also considering fabricating a story about a girlfriend in another country...not completely improbable...

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